About us
If you are new to molding and casting, we recommend that you start with our product guide. Our product guide is full of information on our products and also includes tips on mold-making, casting, and finishing. You can order a copy here. If you are ordering by phone, you can request that a copy be added to your order for no extra charge.
BITY Mold Supply is proud to offer trusted brands such as Accu-Cast Alginates, Sculpt Nouveau Patinas & Metal Coatings, European Body Art Palettes, Chavant Clays, Monster Clay, Protolina Clay, and BJB Enterprises.
In addition to great products, BITY has assembled a great crew to guide you through the ordering process, ship your orders, and answer your technical questions once you get started. Feel free to call us or stop by our physical store
Return Policy
Returns must be approved by manager and returned within 30 days of purchase. Customer pays return shipping. No returns on open/partially used products, makeup products, or aerosol cans. All returns subject to 20% restocking fee.